London England



 May 6th &  7th 2000


Report by Madman

I am not one for detail into detail ok,,ok,,GREAT FUN IS ALL I CAN TELL
Well a bit more,, It all started when Pete W. picked us up from gatwick
airport and we took the senic route to LONDON.... hahhah...We had lunch  and
i had  been hankering for fish and chips and i got it hahahaha...We hooked up
with with heepsters at a plave called monkey puzzle during the nts and had
many beers ...During the day we went to lots of places blah blah blah,,
    Now vention. going to the tube this guy said whats going on i keep seeing
all these uriah heep shirts,,and the infamous i didn't know they were still
around,,So we informed him  and told him about hv 2000..getting there and
being kept in the bar  was  a bummer because we allwanted to get into the
venue upstairs but set up and sound checks  were still happening,, But haning
in a PUB  with uriah heep freaks  wearing all kinds of heep shirts  and
sharing stories and   showing  pix  was priceless so  take the good  times
instead  yeah...Finally time to go up...So many people all for a common bond
we share  heep,,man  that was to much...speeches,,graham you really hit   one
 to the heart my friend.....Seeing KEN, John, and paul on stage  was great
Gun hill the 2nd nt  spectacular...I was glad to have got to play as well and
there were all levels of musicianship there  and i really give it to the ones
who have not really had much time on a stage,,i don't get nervous to much 
but  i was  a bit  up there..i was wanting to do my best but at the same time
 have fun,,i love to play....
i want to thank everyone for the nice comments when i walked off the stage
and people were   great,,it  was so cool because everyone  was into it......i
met a lot of  great people and just glad i was there to share this
moment,,,,as far  as thanks,,you know who you are,,that means the people who
organized this the people who played  the people  who showed up  that means 
every one  of  you even the ones who did not make it  because we all have a
common bond URIAH HEEP,,i have a tear in my eye  rt now  and i am not
bullshitting,,,,i am so happy to have been there,,,,
Thanks again everyone for making HV2000  what it was.......
p.s. Uriah(heepsters, heep freaks heep fans  whatever are the best)Heep
oh yes one thing i have to say is i am so glad lannis and bobbie  made it,,
all of you carolina  heepsters  are great.. and  whe we were all at the pub
wed nt with John lawton and a a bunch of heepsters,,Mick Box and the band
called lannis and i thought that  was great.....................nuff said or
i will ramble
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