Meet The Heepsters back in the seventies

When we were young

"When our hearts were young we never thought that live would change"
Uriah Heep Sonic Origami - Shelter from the rain 1998

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Bob Winward

Part 2

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The last pic was taken in 1974 when I became a heep fan and I had just turned 18 years old

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Here is my wedding picture.  Check out the funny looking 70's style tuxedo!!  It was taken in June of 1978 between Innocent Victim and Fallen Angel.

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Heepguys was taken in May of 1997, featuring Barry Lombardo, Stem, Me, Dave Crookham, Jesse Lowe and Dave White. One of the happiest days of my life.  Meeting real live heepfans from the net!!!


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Also here is one of my house, taken in 1981 around the time Abominog came out. 


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Janice & Bob 1999



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