Meet The Heepsters back in the seventies

When we were young

"When our hearts were young we never thought that live would change"
Uriah Heep Sonic Origami - Shelter from the rain 1998

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Roland Austin

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In this photo from 1958, I am only three years old but already checking out
the "leg!"

This is my Kindergarten class photo from 1960.  Notice the hair sticking up!
(This hair style just didn't seem to catch on...)

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This is Roland the morning (afternoon??) after seeing Heep in concert in
Tulsa on the Return to Fantasy Tour in 1975.

This photo is from 1977 when I was working on my "David Byron" look!

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Roland Austin 2000

Read all about Roland at The Meet the Heepsters Site


Official Heep Picturebook Heep Holland  News HeepCollection Heeplinks
